API Documentation

Application programming interfaces documentation for @imqueue packages


@imqueue consists of three packages - core, rpc and cli, where cli is RAD command line tool and should be used globally as utility, others two are related to API, which is described below.

All @imqueue packaging follows nesting principles. It means that top level package exports outside whole functionality of internally related package it depends on. Thus if you’re importing @imqueue/rpc it exports everything from @imqueue/core as well.

That all provides the ability to use single import whenever you decide to use only core features in you development or RPC features as well.

For example, such imports are equivalent from development point of view:

import { IMQ, uuid, profile } from '@imqueue/core';
import { IMQ, uuid, profile } from '@imqueue/rpc';

As IMQ, uuid and profile are defined in core package which is a dependency of rpc package.


RPC is a high-level framework API allowing to create client-server communication between services using Remote Procedure Call pattern. If you’d like to deal with a full subset of @imqueue features it is recommended to rely on it.


Usually configuration options are bypassed to a Service or a Client constructor. In a real-world setup there is an easy way to map option values exported from environment variables to an object instantiation, which gives a full flexibility during deployment. Thus, each service generated from a boilerplate provides config.ts file where the options can be set, for example, like this:

export const serviceOptions: Partial<IMQServiceOptions> = {
    cluster: JSON.parse(process.env['REDIS_CLUSTER_CONFIG']),
    safeDelivery: !!process.env['MQ_SAFE_DELIVERY'],
    // etc...

Doing that it is easy to make service be re-configured by the environment it is executed in. For local deployment you can define environment vars in your shell (as a global configuration setup) or by using .env file in the root directory of the service (as a per-service configuration). At the same time on environments like AWS it is possible to bypass environment vars from Parameters Store, etc.

Generic Options (Service and Client)

  • host - Redis server host, default is "localhost"
  • port - Redis server port, default is 6379
  • cluster - Defines a Redis servers cluster, actually it will be used instead of host/port combination if provided. Naturally it is an array of Redis servers host/port pairs. @imqueue will automatically distribute messages between configured here Redis cluster nodes.
  • prefix - Redis keys prefix which should be used for @imqueue key/value pairs, default is "imq"
  • logger - Reference to a logger implementation. By default it is console. Configured logger implementation reference will be used by the whole set of library entities. Provided logger implementation must implement ILogger interface.
  • safeDelivery - boolean value enabling/disabling safe (guaranteed) message delivery. By default false - is turned off. Turned on safe delivery guaranties that each consumer will either process a message or it will be re-scheduled for re-handling by another instance of the same consumer type and that guaranties the message will never be lost.
  • safeDeliveryTtl - time to live in milliseconds for messages in-process of consumer instance. In another words, it is the time when message lives in a worker queue. When the time ends it is removed from worker queue and puts back into a message queue. By default it is 5000 (5 seconds). Take care that if there is a task running more than five seconds and safe delivery is turned on this value should be extended.
  • useGzip - boolean flag which turns gzip compression on/off. By default it is false - turned off. @imqueue exchanging messages in a plain JSON format. If in your system by design messages are large and throughput in number of messages is low, it can be a logical step to use compression to decrease traffic exchange between consumer instances and Redis nodes. From the other hand, turning this option on will decrease throughput in number of messages per second around 2 times, so, it is not recommended to turn it on in cases where throughput performance is a critical point.

Client Extra Options

There are several ways of creating and instantiating service Clients:

  1. By using only pre-generated client source files
  2. Instantiating clients dynamically with or without source files generation
  3. Manual clients implementation in case of any need to do that

Following below options and their values combination can set one of the described above modes.

  • compile - enables client code module to be interpreted by JavaScript on-the-fly. By default is turned on, so, it is possible to use dynamically generated clients out-of-the-box without additional configuration. Can be turned off for some reason.
  • write - enables/disables persistence of generated client code. By default is enabled.
  • path - specifies a path where the client source files should persist. By default is "./src/clients"".

Service and Client

IMQ is implemented in the way where a developer should focus only on Service development and a Client is going to be automatically generated from a Service description. Each @imqueue Service instance is self-describable, so developer must take care only of a good level of description which is reflected only to a proper code writing, including all correct types definitions and documenting blocks. And, of course, on functionality implementation itself.

Such a way provides simplicity of development process - you just write a service code and framework takes care itself about everything else.

Contrastingly, in case of some specific needs, there is no limit of implementing Clients manually, but it can significantly increase the amount of work to be done on implementation, and what is the most critical - on support after implementation.

Anyway, @imqueue provides IMQService and IMQClient base abstract classes which should be inherited by an exact implementation.

Each service is treated as a package, which should contain at least one service class. In case of complex service implementation it can consist of many classes, what in terms of implementing microservices is usually undesirable.

Typical empty service implementation looks like this

import { IMQService } from '@imqueue/rpc';
export class SomeService extends IMQService {
    // service implementation goes here

Implementation of a service is a typical Typescript class, so it can implement any method (including private, protected and public) and define any class properties. By the way, there are some minimal rules required to be followed to make it work correctly:

  • All methods which were not exposed will not be accessible remotely. If you need to make method accessible via remote calls, you MUST expose it. To do that you need to use @expose() decorator factory:
    import { IMQService, expose } from '@imqueue/rpc';
    export class SomeService extends IMQService {
      public exposedMethod() { /* implementation goes here... */ }
      public unexposedMethod() { /* implementation goes here... */ }
  • Only class methods are allowed to expose. You CAN NOT expose class properties.
  • If you need to make asynchronous operation on class service initialization - override start() method:
    import { IMessageQueue, IMQService, expose } from '@imqueue/rpc';
    export class SomeService extends IMQService {
      public async start(): Promise<IMessageQueue | undefined> {
        // do your async stuff here, for example, init db connection, etc...
        return super.start();
  • It is preferable to use aggregated logger, instead of using console for debugging and printing info/warning/errors:
    import { IMQService, expose } from '@imqueue/rpc';
    export class SomeService extends IMQService {
      public loggedStuff() {
        this.logger.log('I am logged string!');
  • Remote calls means that from a client to a service and vice versa data are transmitted via network, so all arguments passed in and all return values of the exposed methods MUST be JSON-serializable types.
  • You CAN NOT use spread operator for exposed method arguments - that won’t work on a client and is a known limitation. In this case bypass arguments as an array:
    import { IMQService, expose } from '@imqueue/rpc';
    export class SomeService extends IMQService {
      // this is INCORRECT
      // client for this service will not compile because of this
      public incorrectStuff(...args: any[]) {
        args.forEach((arg) => {
          // do something with arg...
      // this is CORRECT
      public correctStuff(args: any[]) {
        args.forEach((arg) => {
          // do something with arg...
      // this is also CORRECT
      // as far as it is not exposed
      private somePrivateStuff(...args: any[]) {
        args.forEach((arg) => {
          // do something with arg...
    (async () => {
      // let's imagine we have a client for the service
      const client = new SomeServiceClient();
      await client.start();
      // and we want to have something like this:
      client.incorrectStuff(1, 2, 3);
      // but we can do like this instead,
      // which is not that significant problem as seen:
      client.correctStuff([1, 2, 3]);

Importance of Using DocBlocks

JavaScript/Typescript does not have very powerful tooling for reflections, so there is no easy way to get all required information about arguments and return values data types. By the way, description model of the services can easily utilize information from the doc-blocks associated with class methods, and @imqueue does that very well.

This is a very good practice form any point of view, as well written doc-blocks make code more documented, readable and clear, providing ability to auto-generate API documentation for the written code, and, finally, in our case, they become MANDATORY to use to provide possibility for @imqueue to describe the service and make its client to work correct.

Here is what you have to know about writing doc-blocks for @imqueue services:

  • Always use @param and @return tags with proper type definition to describe input args and return value:

    import { IMQService, expose } from '@imqueue/rpc';
    export class SomeService extends IMQService {
       * Some method description goes here
       * @param {string} argOne - the first argument description string
       * @param {boolean} argTwo - the second argument description string
       * @param {{name: string, value: number}} [argThree] - the third optional argument description string
       * @return {{x: number, y: number}} - return value description string
      public someMethod(
        argOne: string, argTwo: boolean, argThree?: { name: string, value: number }
      ): { x: number, y: number } {
        // do some stuff with args...
        return { x: 5, y: 7 };
  • Use [] around those argument names, which are optional in doc-block argument description, it is important if you wish optional arguments to be defined correctly on a generated client.
  • Use Typescript types notations in doc-blocks for argument and return values, as far as they will be used as a part of a generated client code.

Complex Types

@imqueue services support complex types to be defined and used within data exchange between a client and a service. There are also several rules to know about creating proper complex types, which both service and client will understand and use correctly.

Use class declaration for defining an interface of complex type on a service side. This is related to the problem that in comparison to interface declaration, class is an accessible definition in JavaScript, but interface is only accessible in Typescript and does not exist at runtime. Another problem is that JavaScript classes don’t support properties (only property getters and setters), so for Typescript it is enough to have a simple property definition, but to access that definition on JavaScript level we need to have some extra definitions, which are implemented by @property() decorator factory:

function property(typeName: string, isOptional: boolean = false): () => {}


// service definition of the type:
import { property } from '@imqueue/rpc';

class UserObject {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    email: string;
    @property('string', true)
    phoneNumber?: string;

This will be compiled on a client’s side to a proper Typescript interface and can be correctly used for a proper type definitions on a client and a service side:

// generated client definition of the type
interface UserObject {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    email: string;
    phoneNumber?: string;

Now the type can be used within service methods (assuming we put a type definition in a separate file):

import { IMQService, expose } from '@imqueue/rpc';
import { UserObject } from './types/UserObject';
class UserService extends IMQService {
     * Updates user record
     * @param {UserObject} data - user data fields
     * @return {Promise<UserObject|null>} - saved user object or null if failed
    public async update(data: UserObject): Promise<UserObject|null> {
        // do logic...
        return data;

This guaranties correct type-checks on a client level.

Complex types can aggregate another complex types. Let’s imagine we want to extend our user model to be associated with one or more address objects, like this:

import { property } from '@imqueue/rpc';

class AddressObject {
    country: string;
    city: string;
    address: string;
    @property('string', true)
    phoneNumber?: string;

class UserObject {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    email: string;
    @property('AddressObject[]', true)
    addresses?: AddressObject[]

Working with Service Description

If you need, for some reason, to access service description metadata it is enough to simply call for a describe() method on service client:

// treating it is executed in async context:
const client = new UserClient();
await client.start();
console.log(await client.describe());

It will print out all metadata about service classes, methods and complex type definitions.

Delayed Messaging

Delayed messaging with @imqueue/rpc is easy. Any of exposed service method can be called with a delay. So, if you need to use delayed messaging to implement scheduling queue for some operations, it is as easy as to specify delay (of IMQDelay type) parameter within any client method call, like this:

import { IMQDelay } from '@imqueue/rpc';
import { UserObject, UserClient } from './clients';

const client = new UserClient();
const data: UserObject = {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    email: '[email protected]'

await client.start();
// execute scheduled stuff in 1 hour, and obtain result asynchronously
// after execution without stacking the thread
client.doScheduledStuff(data, new IMQDelay(1, 'h'))
    .then((result: any) => client.logger.log(result));


Locking is a powerful tool provided by @imqueue/rpc to potentially optimize remote calls. For example, let’s imagine that your system handles hundreds or even thousands of calls to some specific method with the same execution context in a very short period of time and obtains the same response result for each call. It could be possible, for example, when some popular content is requested by many users, but that content is pretty static at least for this short period of time. In such case your backend, in fact, executes the same operations hundreds or thousands of times per second, but there is actually no reason to do that. Locks allow to optimize such kind of behavior, and here is how.

When the @lock() is wrapping a method, it creates an asynchronous lock on the first call and until the operation is not complete, all other similar calls (having the same signature) will wait until the first call is resolved, and then it resolves all enqueued calls with the same obtained data.

For example, if there is a call to fetch some specific blog-post 100 times during the next 100 milliseconds, but operation to fetch a blog-post from a database takes around 100 milliseconds as well, it means that such call will execute the actual logic only once, then resolves all awaiting 100 clients with the same return value:

import { IMQService, expose, lock } from '@imqueue/rpc';
import { BlogPost } from './types';

class BlogService extends IMQService {

     * Returns the same blog post data object corresponding to a
     * given blog post identifier
     * @param {string} id - blog post identifier
     * @return {BlogPost} - blog post data set
    public async fetchPost(id: string): Promise<BlogPost> {
        let data: BlogPost;
        // select blog post data from database by given identifier...
        return data;

From the other hand, if during that time there are other calls with different blog post identifiers, they will be executed using their different contextual locks and resolve their clients with different corresponding values.

This provides several advantages:

  1. Decreases load on backend (less actual logic execution, less actual database calls).
  2. Improves average response time for the clients (first one will wait the most, but the last will obtain result almost immediately with no delay, so average response time across all clients will be improved).

But there is considerable downside while using locks. First of all, to qualify the execution context locking mechanism must execute a hashing function on a signature of the call, which takes reasonable time and computing resources. Despite the fact that used hashing algorithm is pretty productive, its performance depends on the length of signature method. In some circumstances it may occur that you can gain no benefit of using locks. So, it should be wisely considered if there is a reason to apply it or not. For high load and slow methods it is definitely worth it. When the method execution is cheaper than signature hashing, it is not worth.

Locking can be used not only as methods decorator. IMQ provides an implementation of asynchronous locks as a generic class IMQLock, which can be used for many different needs in many different parts of your backend implementation.


Caching is another tool @imqueue provides for optimization purposes. It gives the ability to cache method execution calls using a given caching adapter (of course, Redis is by default and the only one implemented at this time). But it is possible to define your own adapter, it is enough to implement properly ICache and ICacheConstructor interfaces.

Out-of-the-box it can be used as @cache() decorator factory on a service methods or by utilizing IMQCache registry and RedisCache engine implementation.

Typical usage as follows:

import { IMQService, expose, cache } from '@imqueue/rpc';
import { BlogPost } from './types';

class BlogService extends IMQService {

     * Returns the same blog post data object corresponding to a
     * given blog post identifier
     * @param {string} id - blog post identifier
     * @return {BlogPost} - blog post data set
    public async fetchPost(id: string): Promise<BlogPost> {
        let data: BlogPost;
        // do stuff...
        return data;

@cache() decorator implements similar per-signature work principals as @lock(). The whole set of @imqueue decorators can be combined in-use over service methods to improve overall system performance and stability. You can write and use corresponding load tests for your backend and practically find a better way of optimization.

Messaging API

Messaging API is a low level API implementing Messaging Queue pattern used to implement inter-service communication. Use it whenever you need to utilize only messaging API in your development.

This API related only to messaging engine adapter implementation, its configuration, logging interface injection and profiling feature.

IMQ Factory and Adapters

IMQ Factory is usually used to construct messaging queue implementation instance. For the moment IMQ supports only Redis adapter implementation out-of-the-box. By the way, it is recommended to instantiate messaging queue engine instance using the factory class instead of doing it directly, which gives the ability to extend existing functionality on your side or on the framework side in the future.


import { IMQ } from '@imqueue/core';
const mq = IMQ.create('MyMQ', { vendor: 'Redis' });

There is no actual need to specify Redis vendor in bypassed options at the moment, as it will be used by default, but in case you wish to inject your own implementation it can be done as follows:

import { MyMQAdapter } from './path/to/MyMQAdapter';
import { IMQ } from '@imqueue/core';
const mq = IMQ.create('MyMQ', { vendor: MyMQAdapter });

Each Adapter constructed by IMQ factory must correctly implement IMessageQueue interface, extending EventEmitter with emitting on implementation 'message' and 'error' events.

Redis Queue

RedisQueue is a core implementation of Redis-based messaging queue. It implements the engine for a single redis node.

Clustered Redis Queue

ClusteredRedisQueue extends functionality of RedisQueue to be applied on a cluster of Redis nodes and implement automatic “round-robin” based load balancing between nodes.

Profiling and Debugging

Of course, profiling and debugging are very important and valuable things during the development and post-development support of any system.

@imqueue provides a simple and basic tool to manage services methods execution, profiling times of execution and debugging calls. This tool is a @profile() decorator factory and is recommended to be used on that parts of the system which are critical to monitor.

Profiled timing can have accuracy to microseconds and is so by default.


import { IMQService, expose, profile } from '@imqueue/rpc';

class MonitoredService extends IMQService {
    public exposedStuff() {
        // call for some internals:
        this.internalStuff(1, 2, 3);
        // do anything else...
    private internalStuff(...args: any[]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
    private forcedTimeProfiling(...args: any[]) {
    @profile(undefined, true)
    private forcedArgsProfiling(...args: any[]) {
    @profile(true, true)
    private forcedFullProfiling(...args: any[]) {

When the @profile() decorator factory is called without arguments, it will rely on environment configuration, which can either enable or disable profiling. Those decorator factory calls, which provide arguments, override environment settings and force time/args profiling explicitly.

It is recommended to manage profiling state via .env files for per-service configuration or by setting profiling vars globally for the entire environment.

Those vars are:

  • IMQ_LOG_TIME=1|0, empty is treated as 0 - the default value. Enables/disables execution time profiling.
  • IMQ_LOG_ARGS=1|0, empty is treated as 0 - the default value. Enables/disables arguments debug logging.
  • IMQ_LOG_TIME_FORMAT="microseconds"|"milliseconds"|"seconds", empty is treated as “microseconds” - the default value. Specifies a time format in the debug output log.

@profile() decorator utilizes configured logger for @imqueue, so there is no need in any additional configuration actions for that purpose. Also, this decorator can be used within any class method, not specially on a service class (meaning it is possible to be used anywhere else), like:

import { profile } from '@imqueue/core';
class SomeClass {
   protected someProtectedMethod() {

Please, note, that turned on profiling can slightly decrease overall backend performance. But using profiling helps diagnose, find and eliminate potential “bottle-necks” and slow-running pieces of code in the system.

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