
@imqueue is an Open Source project under ISC license, so we greatly appreciate anyone who has a will to contribute to this project in order to make it better. Please, consider you have a will to contribute under the terms of this license. If you report issues, create pull requests or provide your work in any other possible way to our repos, we consider you automatically agree with the stated terms.

If you do not agree, please, do not report us any issues, do not create pull requests and do not send us any kind of your work as contribution to our repos.


We greatly appreciate all reported issues found on different packages related to @imqueue. Consider reporting issues directly to those packages they are related to:

Pull Requests

We actively welcome your pull requests to all related repositories. If you find it is possible for you to contribute code changes, please, fork, make changes and pull request those changes to our repositories.

Fork exact repo by using the “Fork” button in the upper-right toolbar on GitHub.

Check out your fork

git clone [email protected]:imqueue/[repo_name].git

Install or update dependencies

npm i

Write your code and/or modify existing. Then ensure you changes passes tests. Use:

npm run test-fast

for core packages, for other consider using:

npm test

If you solve the exact known issue from the repo you forked, please, refer it within commit message when committing.

Create pull request.

Core Packages

This Website and Documentation

If you found any inconsistencies on this website and published on it documentation and have a will to contribute your corrections, you are very welcome to do that.

Go to imqueue/ repository. Fork it to your space.

Check out your fork

git clone [email protected]:imqueue/

The website is based on GitHub Pages and Jekyll. Refer the corresponding documentation about preparing local environment.

Easy way should be if you have ruby installed in your system. Then just go to your local working copy of the repo and run:

gem install bundler
bundle install

Now you can start your local development copy of the website:

npm start

Make your corrections, coding add-ons to the website and docs. Commit your changes. If you’re working on the known issue from source repo, please, refer it within your commit message.

Push & create pull request.

Tutorial Application

If you’ve found any inconsistencies or just want to help us maintain our example tutorial app, please, do the same way as described above for its repos, located under imqueue-sandbox space on GitHub.

Coding Style

  • 4 spaces for indentation (no tabs)
  • 80 character line length strongly preferred
  • Prefer ‘ over “
  • Use semicolons;
  • Use trailing commas,
  • Avd abbr wrds.

Sincerely Yours,
@imqueue Team