Default service options
Lookup and returns a list of argument names for a given function
Converts JavaScript type to most close possible TypeScript type
Removes Promise from type definition if any
Compiles client source code and returns loaded module
Expose decorator factory
{( target: object, methodName: (string), descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => any> ) => void} - decorator function
Checks if file exists at given path
Removes pid file for a given name and id
Constructs and return callback which will resolve promise using given resolver and rejector
Client generator helper function
Helper function to make easy descriptions parts extractions
property name to extract
class name to lookup
method name to lookup
a default value to use if nothing found
Returns collection of class methods metadata even those are inherited from a chain of parent classes
Fetches and returns service description using the timeout (to handle situations when the service is not started)
Checks if given args match given args description at least by args count
@lock() decorator implementation Will make all simultaneous similar method calls locked to be resolved with the first obtained values. Similarity is identified by a bypassed method argument values.
{( target: any, methodName: (string), descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => any> ) => void}
Promisable mkdir
Returns machine UUID
Parses given multi-line comment block
class source code
Finds and parses methods and their comment blocks for a given class
class name
class source code
Returns increment-based process identifier for a given name
name of a service to create pid file for
directory to
Return promised typedef of a given type if its missing
c @access private
Implements '@property' decorator factory This is used to specify complex service types to be exposed
{( target: any, methodName: (string), descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => any> ) => void}
Implements '@remote' decorator factory
{( target: any, methodName: (string), descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => any> ) => void}
Constructs and returns hash string for a given set of className, methodName and arguments.
Type to comment
Promisable writeFile
Default client options